Can Certain LED Light Colors Help You Sleep?

Did you know that distinct light colors can help you sleep?One thing that the majority of people don’t realize is how vital of a role light plays in our sleep cycle. Also, how certain types of LED light colors can help in sleeping better as compared to others.

What LED Light Color Helps You Sleep?

Stare directly into somewhat bluish and bright light, such as the one from your television, laptop, tablet, smartphone, or a blue light string, and your body communicates to your brain to stop generating melatonin, a potent hormone that assists in falling asleep.

Unfortunately for the majority of us, getting up in the middle of the night because either our bodies cannot seem to unwind or because of a child is a widespread occurrence, and the following results can have an impact on an entire day.

In any case, if you are bound to sleep with a light switched-on, you may assume that white and blue light may produce a calming sensation and help you sleep much better. But, a recent study involving hamsters indicates that blue lights had the most harmful effect on the mood, followed by bright white lights. Most people who experience trouble falling back asleep make the mistake of turning on a bright light bulb whenever they get up in the middle of the night. 

So, what is the LED light color that helps you fall asleep? The answer will shock you!

During a recently conducted study, the hamsters that were exposed to red light at night showed extremely minute evidence of depressive-like changes and symptoms in the brain connected to depression, in comparison to those that were exposed to white or blue light.

Why Is The Color Red Better?

The ipRGC, specialized photosensitive cells that are found in our eyes’ retina, possess the ability to detect all sorts of lights and communicate to a certain part of the brain that assists in regulating the circadian clock of the body. This is considered the body’s master clock that assists in determining when people feel awake and sleepy. These ipRGC cells are least sensitive to red wavelengths of light and most susceptible to blue wavelengths. You may find it beneficial to pick up a red LED light string if you have trouble sleeping!

In addition to that, a red light is also considered beneficial for sleep since it has a comparatively lower temperature, much, much lower than regular sunlight. 

In almost every aspect of the study, the hamsters that were exposed to blue light were the worst off, followed closely by the ones that were exposed to white light. 

So, in case you are experiencing trouble sleeping and are surrounded by blue lights, that is most likely to be the reason. In the evenings, switching to natural red color light could greatly assist your body in easing into its sleep cycle more naturally.


So in case you require a night light in the bedroom or the bathroom, it might be beneficial to have the one that produces red or warm light instead of white light! So, why not give it a shot at home and experiment on how the shift in color makes you feel! Furthermore, make sure to install a couple of applications on your smartphone or tablet to emit red light a few hours prior to bedtime.